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Sun worshiping dancer

cast in pewter.

4.75" x 4"

Fire-breathing Dragon,

welded metal, with cloth wings.


Ghost ship perched on a reef,

created in wire.

Dragon in flight,

pin cast in bronze.

Expressive male dancer,

relief cast in bronze.

3.5" x 2"

Exquisite kneeling dancer,

cast in bronze.

3" x 3.5"

Enjoy this variety of

subjects and media

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Wood nymph,

carved in walnut.

Double candle holder,

sculpted in stained glass and foil.

Mourning woman,

carved in stone.

Delightful emu,

carved in original wax.

Anticipator, llama herd sire,

cast in bronze.


Dancer in plaster over wire,

forerunner to...

...Tache du Soleil,

relief in canvas and accryllic. 


Papier-mache and fiber llama


Papier-mache and fiber llama

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